As many know from our Facebook Page, we, Laura and Katrina, are running a 10 mile race tomorrow to raise funds for a very special orphanage in Ukraine and specifically to provide heat to this orphanage. Only two weeks ago we were made aware of this urgent need (via another non-profit, Life2Orphans) and since all funds from the 2015 L.O.V.E. 5k are already allocated for families and other grant purposes, we had to think up another Laurencia's Orphans Victory Event to raise the much-needed funds quickly, thus, the 10 mile race challenge was born! While neither of us were ready for such a race and we knew that raising that much money in such a short time was really stepping out in faith, we never doubted the extreme generosity, selflessness and grace-filled charity of our friends and family. It is with EXTREME gratitude that we are able to announce that JUST TODAY, JUST UNDER THE WIRE, our goal has been met! The fundraiser was seeking $2000, however, Life2Orphans received other donations and thus was in need of only $1165 after those donations. Well, Laura and I each received EXACTLY 10 pledges of money and the total amount raised is $1235!! The orphanage can also use medicine and other healthcare items (these particular orphans have AIDS we are told). What a pure blessing you all are to these children!!
Since October is also pregnancy and infant loss awareness month, we are running in memory of little ones and children who have passed away. This is SUCH an honor to us. We asked each donor if they had a special intention and we plan to pray for these families and children as we run tomorrow.
Below is a listing of each sponsor and the person in whose honor they pledged the funds. We firmly believe that the light of each of these children still shines brightly -- through their families, friends and loved ones. WE WILL NEVER FORGET and we keep them all close in our hearts and minds.
THANK YOU for praying for us and supporting us in this endeavor and in doing so, helping us once again fulfill Laurencia's Legacy of LOVE.
God bless!
Sponsors of the "Little Light of Mine" LOVE Race:
Mile 1: Joel & Gina Dehmer Family in memory of their beloved Chad Dehmer
Mile 2: Kate DeVries Smith Family in memory of her dear, childhood friend Beth
Mile 3: Sarah Johnson Family
Mile 4: McKenzie R. Family
MIle 5: C. Delaney in memory of her dear father, George
Mile 6: Dan & Kimberly Stach, in memory of their sweet baby Stach
Mile 7: C. Hughes Family
Mile 8: Laura Nielsen, in memory of the Nielsen babies who passed away before we knew them
Mile 9: Lisa Denn & June Cyr
Mile 10: Laurencia's Papa & Grandma John & Julie Dehmer in memory of Laurencia Rachel
Mile 1: R. Jones
Mile 2: M. Svitak in memory of her precious babies
Mile 3: Hollee Saville
Mile 4: Peggy Boyle
Mile 5: Dee Dee Weber, for a special intention
Mile 6: B. Kittock, in memory of her beautiful baby who went to heaven 15 years ago Oct. 31
Mile 7: M. Lambrecht
Mile 8: M. Parks family
Mile 9: H. Hodge
Mile 10: B. Loesch
Since October is also pregnancy and infant loss awareness month, we are running in memory of little ones and children who have passed away. This is SUCH an honor to us. We asked each donor if they had a special intention and we plan to pray for these families and children as we run tomorrow.
Below is a listing of each sponsor and the person in whose honor they pledged the funds. We firmly believe that the light of each of these children still shines brightly -- through their families, friends and loved ones. WE WILL NEVER FORGET and we keep them all close in our hearts and minds.
THANK YOU for praying for us and supporting us in this endeavor and in doing so, helping us once again fulfill Laurencia's Legacy of LOVE.
God bless!
Sponsors of the "Little Light of Mine" LOVE Race:
Mile 1: Joel & Gina Dehmer Family in memory of their beloved Chad Dehmer
Mile 2: Kate DeVries Smith Family in memory of her dear, childhood friend Beth
Mile 3: Sarah Johnson Family
Mile 4: McKenzie R. Family
MIle 5: C. Delaney in memory of her dear father, George
Mile 6: Dan & Kimberly Stach, in memory of their sweet baby Stach
Mile 7: C. Hughes Family
Mile 8: Laura Nielsen, in memory of the Nielsen babies who passed away before we knew them
Mile 9: Lisa Denn & June Cyr
Mile 10: Laurencia's Papa & Grandma John & Julie Dehmer in memory of Laurencia Rachel
Mile 1: R. Jones
Mile 2: M. Svitak in memory of her precious babies
Mile 3: Hollee Saville
Mile 4: Peggy Boyle
Mile 5: Dee Dee Weber, for a special intention
Mile 6: B. Kittock, in memory of her beautiful baby who went to heaven 15 years ago Oct. 31
Mile 7: M. Lambrecht
Mile 8: M. Parks family
Mile 9: H. Hodge
Mile 10: B. Loesch