Laurencia's Story

In March of 2013, at a 10 week prenatal visit, we learned that our identical twin girls were in a very precarious situation, they were in the same amniotic sac (monoamniotic). Due to the risk of cord entanglement, which can occur at any time with monoamniotic twins, this situation can be fatal to both babies in about 50-70% of cases. At that appointment we were also devastated to learn that one of our girls had anencephaly, a condition which is not survivable outside of the womb. She would grow, however, right along with her sister, for as long as she was in utero and as long as they did not become tragically or critically entangled. We named her Laurencia Rachel, the root of Laurencia meaning "victory" and Rachel meaning "lamb". Our little lamb would be victorious in the end. We named her twin sister Valencia, which means "healthy and strong". After a 4 week antepartum hospital stay to monitor the girls for any signs of distress, they were born at 32 weeks on August 26, 2013. The story of the day they were born can be found here. Laurencia lived long enough to be held by her daddy and mommy, her five other siblings and many aunts, uncles, cousins and grandparents who loved her. Valencia was born healthy and strong and is presently thriving.
We cherish every moment we had with Laurencia and the beauty she brought to our lives. But she's only just begun leaving her mark on this world. In her memory, we believe many little lives could be impacted in beautiful ways. Laurencia doesn't get to be here. We don't get to hold her here. However, there are millions of children around the world longing to be held, to be wanted, to be loved, to have a family, some even fighting just for a chance at life. And there is something we can do about that. While we have always recognized the value of every life, a few years ago our eyes and hearts were truly opened to the orphan crisis. Back then we talked about hosting a 5k race to raise money for the orphaned. Since we love running and have been racing for several years, we thought it would be the best way for us to raise awareness of the needs of abandoned children. After Laurencia and Valencia were born, it seemed clear, and we felt called even, to hold an event in Laurencia's memory. What began as an idea for a race became Laurencia's Victory, a nonprofit organized to answer the call to act on behalf of those unable to speak for themselves. Our first event, the L.O.V.E. 5k Run will benefit abandoned or orphaned children and adoptive families. Going forward we hope to continue to honor Laurencia's Legacy, recognizing every child as a gift from God. We pray that one day we might all achieve ultimate victory, to live eternally with Jesus, like Laurencia. Until then, Laurencia's Victory will strive to do its part to bring little victories to little ones in need.
Laurencia's Victory is a nonprofit corporation organized in the State of Minnesota. Tax ID 46-5505588
© 2014-2019 Laurencia's Victory. All Rights Reserved.
Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written
permission from this website's author and/or owner(s) is strictly prohibited
We cherish every moment we had with Laurencia and the beauty she brought to our lives. But she's only just begun leaving her mark on this world. In her memory, we believe many little lives could be impacted in beautiful ways. Laurencia doesn't get to be here. We don't get to hold her here. However, there are millions of children around the world longing to be held, to be wanted, to be loved, to have a family, some even fighting just for a chance at life. And there is something we can do about that. While we have always recognized the value of every life, a few years ago our eyes and hearts were truly opened to the orphan crisis. Back then we talked about hosting a 5k race to raise money for the orphaned. Since we love running and have been racing for several years, we thought it would be the best way for us to raise awareness of the needs of abandoned children. After Laurencia and Valencia were born, it seemed clear, and we felt called even, to hold an event in Laurencia's memory. What began as an idea for a race became Laurencia's Victory, a nonprofit organized to answer the call to act on behalf of those unable to speak for themselves. Our first event, the L.O.V.E. 5k Run will benefit abandoned or orphaned children and adoptive families. Going forward we hope to continue to honor Laurencia's Legacy, recognizing every child as a gift from God. We pray that one day we might all achieve ultimate victory, to live eternally with Jesus, like Laurencia. Until then, Laurencia's Victory will strive to do its part to bring little victories to little ones in need.
Laurencia's Victory is a nonprofit corporation organized in the State of Minnesota. Tax ID 46-5505588
© 2014-2019 Laurencia's Victory. All Rights Reserved.
Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written
permission from this website's author and/or owner(s) is strictly prohibited